WELCOME to the family tree and other documents for my Ward line. This includes people connected in any way to the ancestors of my grandmother, Libbie Elsie Ward, plus her descendants.
There are 2 trees on this site. The main tree and a smaller tree for the Ward line that originates in Baltimore Co., Maryland Colony. Richard Ward (1779) is related to the Baltimore line, but we do not know exactly how, yet.
PRIVACY NOTE: This site is for relatives, not the public. Not only is a password required, but all detailed are supressed for living persons in the tree, except their names (first initials). Please ignore the TNG fields for registering or recovering a password. Simply log in with the credentials that I have sent you.
SOURCES: Some source citation will appear a bit odd, with missing, extra, or even scrambled information. This is an artifact of the export and import processes from the data on my home computer to the software on this web site. Contact me if you want more info about any source. Also, some sources are expanded in the notes fields, rather than where they belong in the source structure. This is data that I had imported from other researchers.
Downloads: GEDCOM file download is currently disabled. PDF reports are allowed. (You might want to uncheck the option for sources, as the current PDF reports include an overly verbose version of source citations.)
Last Update: The last family tree update from my home computer was 28 Oct 2024 (mostly reflecting multiple edits to the Huston family).
To search the genealogy database, enter a name BELOW. Or click on 'Surnames' to see yours. (Use maiden names.) For example, to start exploring the Baltimore/NC Ward line, simply enter 'Sutton' for the first name. Explore his ancestors and descendants.
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One interesting source of information is the Civil War Pension File for George Harner Ward.
For those related to the Hustons, a great resource is a booklet written by Rick Van Stolk.
I created a custom chart showing Y-DNA results for the documented descendants of Joseph Ward.
An important document takes a bigger view than can be captured within the family trees. It analyses the connections among the Wards, and associated families, who were located in VA, NJ,and MD, including the Cox families.
Another document examines a subset of this, focusing on the families originally from Essex Co., NJ, including the Minturns and Bonnells.
You can browse these documents by pulling down the Media menu on the right and selecting the 'histories' menu item.
1. We are still trying to figure out exactly where Joseph Ward came from and how he connects with the NJ and MD Wards.
2. Likewise, we have clues about how Joseph's son, Abraham, was born with Cox Y-DNA, but we lack the specifics.
3. The top of the Rumbaugh line is also uncertain. In my Ward tree, I show Asemus Rambach as the father of our John William Rumbaugh, but that is probably not correct. See the notes for Asemus. Also, the distribution of children and wives for John William Rumbaugh is not totally clear. See notes for the wives.
4. See James Huston (1787) re: questions about who his father was.
There are a few other minor questions scattered here and there. I am awaiting help from closer relatives, in some cases.
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Bill Rombough maintains a comprehensive Rambach/Rumbaugh/Rombough tree online at https://gw.geneanet.org/williamrombough43?lang=en&n=rumbaugh&oc=0&p=john+william&type=tree, as well as a Facebook group.
Many researchers have contributed to the Rumbaugh, Ward, and Huston lines over the years. I have received and incorporated data in bulk from some active researchers, and in smaller bits from many correspondents, as you can see in the source citations.